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الخميس، 6 نوفمبر 2014

Effective Vocal Exercises for Singers Revealed

There are a number of publications, CDs, YouTube videos, online vocal exercises for singers and educational sites that assist people in their vocal training. There is one very important aspect of the vocal training that is often not stressed enough in these programs. For this reason, many beginners are not aware of this critical element, and therefore experience slow progress in their vocal development despite effort and dedication
Many beginners believe that participating in a voice session or choir practice will enhance their vocal abilities automatically. Vocal teachers and choir masters do not magically spread their knowledge onto singers who then instantly turn into better singers. We all recognize that. However, even hard work may not be sufficient to become a better vocalist.
The Trick to Becoming a Better Vocalist Revealed
It does not matter how many vocal training courses, sessions or publications a singer absorbed. What is important is to develop a total understanding of what is being conveyed in the training in order to be successful. A good example may be a situation when a vocal teacher continuously asks his student to open his larynx. However the student does not really know what a larynx is or doesn't understand how to open it. And here is another example: a student is reminded not to raise her chin when singing in the head register but she forgets to keep the chin leveled as soon as she starts singing high notes.
The trick is to develop self-awareness. Learning to sing is the process of uncovering physical abilities and sensations. The first step is to understand theoretical knowledge about vocal mechanisms and techniques. The second step is to develop kinesthetic awareness, which is recognition of body and muscle movement, position and tension. The key to improving one's singing is the awareness of exactly what is taking place in one's body while singing.
Another important aspect in the process of creating self-awareness is to develop focus without losing awareness of everything else. This will allow a singer to multitask. It is like learning to cook. Initially, when preparing a dish for the very first time, the cook follows instructions closely focusing on one step at a time. He watches the pot constantly to avoid spoiling the food. However, as his experience grows, he is able to multitask and spread his focus to many more pots and tasks. He may even entertain his friends while preparing the feast for them.
The same analogy applies to singing. With more training and experience, a singer slowly develops focus for body posture, breathing, larynx movements, vocal tract shape, feelings of any tension and much more. Of course, developing the capacity to concentrate on many aspects of singing takes time.
Recommendations: How to Develop Self-Awareness
  • Devote time to self-discovery. When you are alone, while driving or taking a shower, produce sounds using different shapes for mouth opening, vocal tract, or with different breathing patterns etc. Move your head and neck when singing, sing like a cartoon character, or sing in a way that you have not tried before.

  • Explore sensations. As you are making these sounds or singing in new ways, observe your voice and body. Ask yourself questions, such as: Does it feel easy? Do I feel tension? What happens when I change the vocal track shape? etc.

  • Allow yourself to be silly. Experiment with sounds that may not be perfect. Let go of the fear of sounding foolish. The magic often happens when you cross boundaries.

  • Be patient. Developing self-awareness takes time. Schedule time for singing practice.

  • Do not blindly go through vocal exercises. Feel and recognize exactly what you are doing and how you are doing it. Pay attention to sensations. Assess body and muscle movement, positions and tension.
Katarina H. is a speech-language pathologist with a love of singing. She created a website for aspiring singers called "How To Improve Singing" at http://www.tips.how2improvesinging.com. Her Facebook page "Katarina's Singing Room" at http://www.facebook.com/singingroom is gaining in popularity. The page's fan base grew to over 900 fans in a few short months. Visit her website and page to discover great singing tips and advice about vocal techniques, vocal health and much more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8522972

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